Visitor Alert!
Notice of Public Health Order 2023
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The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment has issued COVID-19 Guidance for Residential Care Facilities Outdoor Visitation
Columbine Health Systems is putting together policies and protocols in order to comply with the new guidance.
**We will only allow outside visits in our skilled nursing and assisted living facilities beginning July 1, 2023.**
CHS Outside Visitor Instructions
Over the next few weeks our goal is to ensure each of our residents have their first 30-minute family visit (weather permitting).
We appreciate your patience with us and each other as we make this transition.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
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OUR MISSION: To Enrich Our Community; We Inspire, We Connect, We Care.
加速器Twitter: In our relationships with others we will be authentic, have courage, compassion, and integrity.
We provide an integrated and innovative organization who seeks partnerships.
Since 1971, our residents, staff, and families value our mission and vision. We believe they reflect who we are and why we dedicate ourselves to caring for our community each and every day.